الأحد، 23 يونيو 2019

Electrostatic Electricity

What is electrostatic electricity: It is Electricity induced by charge rearrangement and this charges move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge.

All objects which are not are not conductible for electricity they contain random charges distribution but, each positive has its negative charge (+ -), positive and negative charge are like above each other so there is no conductivity. Also the conductible materials in which there is current pass in them can aid in electrostatic charge.

Image result for electrostatic electricity

Now if we bring an object and use it for making stimulation for charge rearrangement such as glass rod: now if we scrape a balloon with this glass rod this leads to that stimulation for charge arrangement between glass rod and balloon, In what we called electrostatic induction.

 Meaning negative charges on glass rod are aggregate at the side which is scraped leading to balloon's positive charge to aggregate at the side meeting the glass rod. this charge distribution between glass rod and balloon make electrostatic charge.

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