الجمعة، 21 يونيو 2019

Healthy drinks

baking soda structure is  NaHCO3 upon dissociation give Na+ and HCO3- .

1-Negative HCO3 helps in neutralization of acidic secretion of the stomach and heart burning which meansHeartburn is also known as acid reflux. (It is a painful, burning sensation that rises in the upper region of your stomach and can spread up into your throat that is caused by acid refluxing out of the stomach and up your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth.).

2-Whiten Your Teeth
Many studies have found that toothpaste containing baking soda is better for whitenin teeth and removing plaque than toothpaste without baking soda

Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores do not form on the lips and aren’t contagious.
and there are many other health effects

Surprisingly, human sweat is odorless. Sweat only gains an odor after it is broken down by bacteria in your armpits. These bacteria convert your sweat into acidic waste products that give sweat its odor 

Baking soda can eliminate the smell of sweat by making the odors less acidic. Try patting baking soda onto your armpits and you may notice the difference 

People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) slowly lose function of their kidneys.
The kidneys are incredibly important because they help remove excess waste and water from the blood. At the same time, they help balance important minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium

but very important note if one has hypertension he should not take or take one that not contain Na+ because sodium increase blood pressure.

Drinking of food grade H2O2 that contain 35% H2O2 and 65% H2O 

Diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide is often part of dental care products and processes:
    • mouthwash
    • toothpaste (mixed with baking soda)
    • tooth whitening
    • toothbrush cleaning
    People also use diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide in home food preparation and storage, including:
    • vegetable antibacterial wash
    • lettuce preservative
    • meat or poultry marinade
    Diluted with water, it’s also used in food-related home cleaning such as:
    • cutting board disinfection
    • countertop disinfection
    • sponge and dish cloth cleaning
    • refrigerator cleaning
    • lunchbox disinfection
    Finally if you want my advice drinks water with baking soda it is preferred 

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