الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2019

approaches for losing weight

in the last article we showed why exercise is useless to weight lose, here we propose some of raising diet type, the keto diet:

to understand keto diet we have to know some metabolic information.
the main source of energy in body is glucose which comes from carbohydrate. 
when we eat high amount of carbohydrate the pancreas produce insulin which is hormone that helps the body to use carbohydrate, regrettably it is also reduce and inhibit fat burning.
this is called the insulin trap.
the keto diet aims to overcome this trap by eating low carbohydrate diet and compensating it with high fat content.

in addition to avoiding insulin trap, fats has high ability to promote satiety and reduce appetite, hence reducing food intake.
it has some other advantage such reducing epilepsy, possible cure of diabetes type 2 and fights cancer due to cancer major dependence on glucose metabolism.

it is to be noted that keto diet may cause some side effects, doctors call it keto flu: you may experience uncomfortable side effects such hunger, headaches, nausea, fatigue, irritability and constipation.
so it is best if you keep counseling doctors while you apply it.

why exercise is not the best way to lose weight.

while government agencies as well as food companies continue to present exercise as the complete solution of obesity, there is sixty study supports that exercise is just useless when it come to losing weight.

to understand why is it wrong, one has to understand the major ways where the body spend energy, as illustrated in this image the are 3 main ways our body burn calories:
1- resting metabolism: that is how much energy your body burns for basic functioning ,just to keep you alive.
2- thermic effect of food: which is how much energy required to breakdown food.
3- physical activity: which is any movement you do, which only account for 10-30 % of your daily calories burn.
 so, you can say why do not increase physical activity ?!
that is the problem, while you can increase the burning by physical activity your body just compensate it with reducing the resting metabolism portion.
your body simply adapted to it with the same amount of calories burned.
in addition, exercise create problem of it’s own.
you can raise your activity but it will increase your appetite which in turn will lead you to double the amounts you eat.
it is called compensatory behaviors: while you can go for a run before breakfast it will lead you to double you food potions.
hence, you just burn the same amount of calories ,beside you are eating more which will cause opposite result.
but then how do we lose weight ? do you have to give up to obestiy?
NO, the most effective way to lose weight is by controlling food intake.
there are many approaches to this ,if you interested read the next article:
approaches for losing weight

الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2019

Replacement Titration

Image result for titration

It is type of titration used when back titration or direct titration are insufficient.

Easly It  depends on the ability of metal to bind to titrant (e.g: EDTA) more than another metal.

to be clear we will take an example:


  1. 1- Ca+2 has higher affinity to bind to EDTA more than Mg+2
  2. Mg+2 has higher affinity to bind to EBT more than Ca+2
  3. color of EBT when binds to metal is wine red and has blue color in free form


  1. buret : contain EDTA
  2. Conical : contain the EBT-Mg+2 and Ca+2
here the analyte (substance wanted to be mesured) is Ca+2, EBT is the indicator and it binds the Mg+2 giving color (wine red). This because Mg+2 has higher affinity to bind to EBT than Ca+2.

Now lets start titration: 

  • the amount of EDTA added to conical will bind to Ca+2 because its higher affinity to EDTA
  • now after adding more EDTA all free Ca+2 will be bound to EDTA 
  • at the end addition of more EDTA will relase the Mg+2 from EBT and bind to EDTA, so after that free EBT will be in the conical giving blue color which called endpoint of the reaction
so here in replacement titration we depends on affinity of the analyte to both titrant and indicator
for example if we used Murexide indicator the previous reaction can not be occured, because Ca+2 can bind to Murexide.

so in replacement titration the analyte has low ability to bind to the indicator or give no sharp endpoint. also you need to use metal has higher affinity to the indicator as shown up.


It is adnosine triphosphate as shown in the figure, this molecule contains 3 phosphate groups.

the bond between the first phosphate group which directly bind to the carbon 5 of the pentose sugar is weak bond, but the other 2 bonds between the other 2 phosphate groups are called strong bonds which upon their breakage the high energy produced.

so in biological reactions when body needs energy it breaks the thirds phosphate group releasing energy and yield ADP( Adenosine diphosphate) 

and in some reaction also the second phosphate group also broken and yields AMP( Adenosine monophosphate)  

الأحد، 23 يونيو 2019

Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Related image

It is virus that attack the lymphocytes (B-Cells and T-cells)  of immune system which are responsible for the adaptive immune system.

  • Mechanism of spreading: It binds to the DNA of cells by that: It contains RNA and Enzyme called Reverse transcriptase that converts RNA to DNA then this DNA binds to the DNA of cells and replicated with cells and also it is transcripted and translated with body enzymes producing more and more viruses.

  • the hardest thing is that no drugs can stop it because it is RNA meaning it is changed all time making drugs inefficient. also it evolves if the medium around it is changed giving new virus(suc as if you take a drug to stop it this drug affect your body changing the internal medium then this virus change from it self like the evolution principle of darwin). so it is the worst virus because: 

  1.  no drugs are effective 
  2.  High ability to change according to the medium
  3.  It is RNA not DNA meaning increasing exchange in its structure
  4. It damage the most important system in the body ( immune system) making body with no defenses increasing infection with different other diseases

Electrostatic Electricity

What is electrostatic electricity: It is Electricity induced by charge rearrangement and this charges move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge.

All objects which are not are not conductible for electricity they contain random charges distribution but, each positive has its negative charge (+ -), positive and negative charge are like above each other so there is no conductivity. Also the conductible materials in which there is current pass in them can aid in electrostatic charge.

Image result for electrostatic electricity

Now if we bring an object and use it for making stimulation for charge rearrangement such as glass rod: now if we scrape a balloon with this glass rod this leads to that stimulation for charge arrangement between glass rod and balloon, In what we called electrostatic induction.

 Meaning negative charges on glass rod are aggregate at the side which is scraped leading to balloon's positive charge to aggregate at the side meeting the glass rod. this charge distribution between glass rod and balloon make electrostatic charge.

السبت، 22 يونيو 2019

What is acid?

definition of acid (Arrhenius acid): It is the compound upon dissolve in water gives H+.

according to lewis (lewis acid): It is substance accept electrons from lewis base.

also defined as substance which is oxidized upon reaction.

also important thing of acids is that upon reaction with base it gives water and salt in reaction called neutralization.


1- HCl + NaOH ------> NaCl +H2O
    acid     base               salt     water
here HCl lose H+ whic binds to (OH)- giving water then Na binds to Cl giving NaCl

2- H2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 -------> 2 H2O + CaSO4
    acid          base                       water    salt

salt meaning precipitation formed by reaction between acid and base.

according to lewis acid: here H+ (has no electrons) react to (OH)- in which oxygen which has negative charge due to excess electron on it.

Related image

negative  oxygen(in hydroxide)  coordinate with 2 electrons for H+ binding it by coordinated bond.

Related image

Vitamin.C and Calcium

Water contain many minerals but, upon boiling there are some minerals called temporary hardness are precipitated. the most mineral precipitated is calcium in the form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

When we add Vitamin.C on water it binds to calcium so upon boiling CaCO3 formation is prevented.So soluble Vitamin.C with calcium still in water.so addition of Vitamin.C prevent calcium loss from boiled water.

If you want to wash your kettle from calcium carbonate precipitation. you can use ascorbic acid or vinegar (acetic acid) or lemonade (citric acid) in washing, because all these acids binds to calcium from calcium carbonate breaking it.

energy currency of cell

How energy is produced from food:
                                              short info. :(At first you should study the digestion process:
Digestion process: It is a process in which enzymes produced from mouth, stomach, and pancrease in addition to bile from liver used in degradation of food (large particles) to small particles.
Fats to fatty acids, carbohydrates to di sugars maltose which then give glucose, proteins to amino acids.

mouth: produce amylase that breaks carbohydrates
stomach: produce 1- pepsin: breaks the proteins to peptides ( small chain of amino acids)
                             2- HCL : helps in denaturation of proteins
In Intestine: pancrease secrets in intestine: 1- alha amylase: covert cabohydrates to maltose then                                                                                   glucose
                                                                     2- lipase: breaks the Fats to fatty acids
                                                                     3- nucleases: breaks nucleic acids to nucletides
Intestine it self : produce: nucleotidases and nucleosidases to give free ribose and phosphate and bases.)

now: glucose get inside process called glycolysis inside cytoplasm of the cell. but, amino acid can also give glucose by degradation of type of amino acids called glucogenic amino acids.which then get also inside glycolysis.

In glycolysis it produces ATP and ends with formation of pyruvate.

pyruvate and Acetyl-CoA both can get inside mitochondria in citric acid cycle whic give more ATP

Each NADH+H gives 3 ATP and each FADH+H gives 1.5 ATP

In case of fatty acids there is beta-oxidation which give large number of NADH+H which convverts to ATP inside mitochondria.and ends with Acetyl-coA formation which then get inside the citric acid cycle for produce more ATP.

note: the cycle below is repeated more and more times in each time 2 carbons are removed from the long fatty acid chains till reach fatty acid contain only 2 carbons (Acetyl-CoA) which then get in the Krebs cycle(Citric acid cycle)

Strong acidic water

Sometimes referred to as Hypochlorous Acid Water, Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (E.O.W).

Acidic ionized water is not intended for drinking.  It is used externally for cleaning and disinfecting the skin and household surfaces:
strong acidic water: Its PH = 2.5 (highly acidic), It is strong antibacterial, fungi and viruses. so it is used in many sterilizations and help in protection as shown below:
  1. DAILY SKIN CARE: It is added on the skin to improve the complexion of your skin as it works as a natural astringent and removes dirt and oil without the use of chemicals. helps to relieve the aggravation caused by dry, itchy or chapped skin, and contributes to clearing acne, psoriasis, eczema, and athlete’s foot
  2. HAIR CARE: used for washing and rinsing hair, acidic water is good for the scalp and reduces dandruff
  3. MOUTH CARE: use as mouth wash to kill germs, as gargle to help soothe sore throat, or for brushing teeth to remove plaque
  4. ANTISEPTIC: ideal for hand washing, also expedites the healing process of cuts, minor wounds, insect bites, rashes, athlete’s foot, and fungal infections..
  5. STERILIZATION: strong acidic water with a pH under 3.0 kills pathogens on contact and can be used to sterilize cutting boards,  kitchen utensils, and other household surfaces. antibacterial by washing your fruits, vegetables, and meats to effectively kill bacteria.

الجمعة، 21 يونيو 2019

Blood calcium balance

calcium balance:
The normal level of calcium is 8.5-11 micro/ml

If the calcium level is reduced to less than 8.5 micro/ml the hormone called parathyroid hormone is produced that affects two main traget tissues: 1- bone: increase the bone resorption releasing calcium from bone the blood 
2- kidney: increase the absorption of the calcium from distal tubule of the kidney also in kidney it helps in activation of inactive vitamine D to active form which increase the absorption of calcium from intestine.

But if there was increasing in the level of calcium more than 11 the hormone called calcitonin will be produced which affects three target tissues: 1- bone: decrease the bone resorption so decrease clacium releasing from the bones.
2- kidney: prevent absorption of the calcium form the distal tubule of the kidney.
3- Intestine: prevent absorption of calcium form food in intestine.

note: persons with osteoporosis take drugs that contain calcitonin to prevent more bone damage by preventing bone resorption.

another advice is : if you are takning calcium supplement you should also take Vitamine D supplement beacause calcium can not be absorbed or used without Vitamine D.

Healthy drinks

baking soda structure is  NaHCO3 upon dissociation give Na+ and HCO3- .

1-Negative HCO3 helps in neutralization of acidic secretion of the stomach and heart burning which meansHeartburn is also known as acid reflux. (It is a painful, burning sensation that rises in the upper region of your stomach and can spread up into your throat that is caused by acid refluxing out of the stomach and up your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth.).

2-Whiten Your Teeth
Many studies have found that toothpaste containing baking soda is better for whitenin teeth and removing plaque than toothpaste without baking soda

Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores do not form on the lips and aren’t contagious.
and there are many other health effects

Surprisingly, human sweat is odorless. Sweat only gains an odor after it is broken down by bacteria in your armpits. These bacteria convert your sweat into acidic waste products that give sweat its odor 

Baking soda can eliminate the smell of sweat by making the odors less acidic. Try patting baking soda onto your armpits and you may notice the difference 

People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) slowly lose function of their kidneys.
The kidneys are incredibly important because they help remove excess waste and water from the blood. At the same time, they help balance important minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium

but very important note if one has hypertension he should not take or take one that not contain Na+ because sodium increase blood pressure.

Drinking of food grade H2O2 that contain 35% H2O2 and 65% H2O 

Diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide is often part of dental care products and processes:
    • mouthwash
    • toothpaste (mixed with baking soda)
    • tooth whitening
    • toothbrush cleaning
    People also use diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide in home food preparation and storage, including:
    • vegetable antibacterial wash
    • lettuce preservative
    • meat or poultry marinade
    Diluted with water, it’s also used in food-related home cleaning such as:
    • cutting board disinfection
    • countertop disinfection
    • sponge and dish cloth cleaning
    • refrigerator cleaning
    • lunchbox disinfection
    Finally if you want my advice drinks water with baking soda it is preferred 

    alcohols and blood PH

    There are ph receptors in the body and brain whe there is drop in ph (acidic) the ph receptors of the body signals the brain the the brain in turn makes you increase the rate of breathing

    when you hold your breath for short time your blood be acidic due to combination of CO2 with H2O in the body giving carbonic acid in blood increasing acidity

    so when you get back breath the carbonic acid dissociates into Co2 again and get out so body return its normal ph

    alcohols have acidic character but it will not affect greatly on the ph of blood because breathing normalize any increase in ph of course there are some cases where ph decrease without normalizing such as in ketosis whic leads to acidosis  

    Determination of Ph of strong and weak acids

    Determination of Ph Strong acid : the acid which is completely dissociates into ions Strong acids examples: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 b...